You Have Everything You Need to Thrive—YOU

As we make our first cries at birth and start to breathe through our lungs, our gifts are activated. As children we still need the full support of caring adults to help grow our gifts and to help guide and nurture us through our childhoods. As kids we are fully dependent on adults to provide the right environments for us to flourish.


Once we transition into adulthood, this full dependence on people should change. It must change. We become fully responsible for our own lives. Our gifts and their manifestations lie in our own internal powers.

Just the simple fact of being alive, breathing, and still having the gift of time on earth grants us everything we need to thrive.

Yes, we will still need people around us as adjuncts to our lives, but our lives becomes our sole responsibility as adults.

The shift happens at a time when we should have gained enough wisdom, learned from life experiences, and made enough mistakes, which are really lessons in disguise.


As we become strengthened by all this, we must own our powers to fulfill our personal life purposes, which consists of helping others and contributing our gifts and talents to humanity.

So as 2017 draws to a close, this is a reminder that you already have everything you need to achieve your dreams and live out your life purpose.


The mere fact that you're reading this blog post is enough assurance.


That project, that career change, the weight loss, healthier living, plans to save more money, going back to school, writing a book, traveling more…you already have everything you need to get them done. That everything is you—yourself. You don't need the validation or check mark from anyone else. If you have a plan to make yourself better, and to make the world around you better, trust me—you do not need the prior approval from anyone to move right ahead.

I know some of you are probably wondering, what about my spouse, my husband or wife? Don't I need to check with them? Get their approval? Well, sure. But I'll add, if you're in a union or marriage where you're not able to be your authentic self and live out your true life purpose by stepping out and owning your personal power, you have a lot to ponder. You have conversations to have with your spouse. You have changes that need to be made. Otherwise, you'll live the rest of your life with regrets, with resentment, and with constantly looking back to the past to see how you could have framed the course of your life differently.


Remember, as an adult, you have everything you need to move your hopes and dreams forward.


YOU are all you need.


God wants you to trust Him—that He's given you everything you need.


Make the most of the remaining three months of the year.

Look within, keep dreaming, set out in faith and in your power.


Start 2018 with a renewed strength. Be permanently happy.