My desire to impact the lives of children and youth started when I was in my own youth years. As I began medical school in my birth country of Nigeria at the age of 16, I was immediately drawn to the plight of kids and youth. I saw so much poverty, lack of opportunities, and preventable diseases affecting children in such large numbers that I instantly chose pediatrics as my career path. I have been practicing pediatrics since I graduated at 22 years old. I have practiced in Lagos, Nigeria, in the UK, and then in the US since 1998.
My private practice in metro Atlanta has been serving kids from 0–21 years old since 2004. It is located in Clarkston, Georgia—one of the most diverse areas in the entire US in terms of race and nationality. It is the “United Nations” every day in my office. My patients are from all corners of the world—southeast Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Africa, India, Turkey, Europe, and of course America.
In my 25 years of practice, I have been motivated both by the twinkle and the sadness I’ve seen in the eyes of kids and youth. My desire and hope is to keep the twinkle going for those who have it and to replace the sadness and apathy with a twinkle in the other group.
As my writing path began in 2015—I was inspired to start writing after my dad passed—I realized I could touch the lives of even more youth with my books. My first published book in May 2017, Permanent Happiness, has an entire chapter dedicated to the well-being of our kids and youth.
My writing and now my speaking platforms are my hope to reach much larger numbers of our youth and empower them to grow and evolve into their best selves.
When I first published my book last May, someone asked me what my goal was with the book. I said if I could touch and inspire five young girls, my job would be done, because those five girls would go on to impact multiples more girls. I believe I Inspired five girls within just a few weeks. So many private messages already from girls and youth thanking me for something that has inspired them from my social media postings and from my life example. Also, young women asking me to be their mentors—from the UK, Nigeria, Brazil.
My dream is now much bigger than five girls. My dream is to empower, motivate, and inspire youth all over the world with my experiences as a pediatrician, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. I had the great influences of my parents as positive role models growing up, and I’ve also been inspired by many successful and impactful people in the world. My hope and continued dream is to be this hope and light to as many kids and youth as possible.
The best way to begin is to live my everyday life as an example to our youth. I believe the most effective way I can impact a child’s or youth’s life is by them observing my daily living—the choices I make and am still making, the actions I take, and the causes I believe in. My goal is to continue to dedicate my time to the well-being and overall development of our kids and youth globally.
What are you doing to contribute to the health and well-being of kids and youth in your community or in the world at large?
Our children and youth need us. They need our inspiration, influence, and example. They are our hope for a brighter and better future.
May we all inspire and influence children all over the globe to be permanently happy!