Posts tagged with "spiritual health"

27. July 2020
1. A great time to read more books. Readers become writers. Readers become Leaders. 2. Improve your cooking skills. Make cooking time in the kitchen valuable family time. Finally learn how to bake. 3. Teach your kids about boundaries and the importance of mommy time every day. Carve out a time just for you and let your kids know; during that time they have to keep busy with activities you’ve laid down for them.

29. June 2020
I’ve had 2 single phases in my life. The first was technically not a single phase. I met my ex-husband in medical school when I was seventeen and he was twenty one. We dated for eight years before we got married. That was an exclusive relationship on my part. So, was I single? I guess, by definition, if you’re not married, you’re single. Unfortunately, our marriage ended in divorce fifteen years after. I was just about to turn forty years old when it ended.

17. May 2020
2020 started with a bang. There was an excitement in the air for all of us. The beginning of a new decade; or the end of one, depending on your personal perception. Predictions were that it was going to be a great year for all. Then, out of nowhere, the coronavirus invaded our universe, and our lives were transformed and turned upside down.

16. March 2020
Are you still trying to search for happiness? Wondering why so many people seem happy and you are not? Are you still scrolling through social media and asking yourself when you’ll be as radiant, as accomplished, and as fulfilled as everyone else you see on there?

14. June 2017
Would you rather dwell in your past world than flourish in your present world? Are the thoughts of your past more comfortable than the dreams of your future? Do you feel the emotion of fear at thoughts of your future goals? Are the emotions of security and comfort present when you dwell on thoughts of your past?

12. June 2017
Worry, if done constantly, and in excess, is poison to our souls. Worry does not solve any problems. Worry magnifies them and makes our problems and life choices insurmountable.

02. June 2017
I am writing this post to challenge us all. To get us thinking. To get us pondering our life situations so we can have more clarity. To make us ask ourselves questions that only we can answer. Pick out your favorite journal, write these questions down, and answer them honestly and purely. The answers may be one sentence, or they may fill an entire page, or you may get lost in writing and write an entire book.

31. May 2017
What is the IT you've been trying to get done that you keep putting off? The IT you need to get IT done is already within you. We all have dreams, those aspirations we keep hoping to achieve. That big idea. That project. That life decision. That goal that won't go away. That next step. That huge leap. We are all aware of what I'm talking about.

29. May 2017
On Sunday, May 7, my younger daughter, Moni (13 years old), and I had just finished our church service and decided to walk across the street to the Bed Bath & Beyond store. There were cops directing traffic, and they helped us cross the main street. As we stepped safely to the other side of the street, we approached an upward ramp that was the exit for the underground parking lot.

24. May 2017
What is the IT you've been trying to get done that you keep putting off? The IT you need to get IT done is already within you. We all have dreams, those aspirations we keep hoping to achieve. That big idea. That project. That life decision. That goal that won't go away. That next step. That huge leap. We are all aware of what I'm talking about.